czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012

Strawberries - diseases

The biggest problem of fungal attacks to Frutillar, are mildew and leaf spot. Like all mildews, attacks the leaves and the fruit expands, covering them with white mycelium. The sp. is the same fungus that causes mildew in hops (Sphaerotheca humuli), and its development is greatly facilitated when exposed to stress: cold drought, or low night temperatures. The foliage sprayed with potassium sulfite (K2S) (in aqueous solution of 1:40 by volume) help, but will no longer be sprinkled when developing fruit. The leaf spot fungus cause Sphaerella fragariae. Its first symptom is the stains appear small, circular, white, on leaves, with wide margins, defined, dark red. In these stains white mycelium develops and continues its fruiting later (the perfect shape of mushroom), shown to the naked eye as tiny black spots on white necrotic spots on the sheet. The potassium sulfite also be used as anti-mildew, or, perhaps better, Bordeaux mixture. Some recommend heavy pruning of leaves after fruitful, and turn the beds to kill the fungus on leaves. Meloloniha vulgaris larvae, and Cetonia aurata) frequently found eating the roots of the strawberry, and do considerable damage, and humuli Hepialus larvae, do the same. The imagos of Cetonia Aurala damaged flowers often devour their centers, and is often worse in the sheds particularly forced. The carnivorous Pterostichus nigra and Harpalus rufimanus, attack at night, when the fruit is ripe, returning to the ground on the day. Can be captured by placing containers with some appeal, as meat and water at intervals in the litters. Millipedes also appear on the ripe fruit, but usually when the soil is rich in organic matter and low in lime. Slugs and snails also attack the fruit, as well as birds. Pellets can be used to reduce their number, with child-safe versions available and beneficial fauna. Organic solutions couple slugs attacks include beer.

Strawberry - forced

Outbreaks fozado propagated pots are placed inside 75 mm, filled with fertile soil, and tight with a piece of raffia, a stick or a stone. When properly wet prontament form independent plants. The earliest to thrive will be the best. When are deeply rooted, are removed and transferred to pots of 15 cm either drainable, paid heavily silt, with soil tight inside, without causing voids. In severe cold, should be covered with dry or dry bracken litter, without requiring them under cover. Sheds will only extreme necessity. By placing first heat, the temperature should not exceed 8-10 ° C, and the air should be free movement, making the leaves appear thin and delicate, made ​​with stronger and less heat circulating air, and average temperatures of 13 ° C per day can be fundamentally while the plants are in bloom. When fruit is occurring, heat can be gradually increased, until the ripening period of 18 to 24 ° C and with solar heat. While thickened fruit, do not allow the plants suffer drought, but when starting colored water is not required, it being required only to maintain the sheets all work. The plants should be removed from the barn, well not the crop matures. Plants and apropuadamente rusticadas enforced, will be the first foreign plantations, and if done early in the summer, on good ground, produce excellent crops autumn.

Cultivation the strawberries - part 3

Strawberries are often grouped according to their flowering habit. Traditionally, they are divided between "June" are those that produce fruit early in the summer, and "all stations", which give several crops of fruit throughout the season. More recently, research has shown that strawberries have three basic flowering habits: short-day, long-day and day-neutral. Sensitivity refers to the length of day and the type of plant photoperiod to induce flower formation. Day neutral cultivars produce flowers unaffected by photoperiod. Many commercial varieties of strawberry are both short day as neutral. Although only rarely commercially, strawberries can spread by seed, and some seed-propagated cultivars have been developed for home use. The seeds are commercially available, or are removed from fruit matured early in summer. When planted, both exterior with protective cover, or in pots, or even better in March under glass, producing fruit in June of that year. The soil should be rich and light, and the seeds very slightly covered by sifting over them, along with leaf litter or old cow manure, well rotted. When seedlings appear and you have five or six leaves, transplant to remain there to grow. The seeds in pots can help with some heat, and when the seedlings are already stronger, is chiming in fine rich soil, and in June transferred to ground out to grow.

Cultivation the strawberries - part 2

Planting should be renewed every second or third year, or less frequently if it is free of outbreaks, whether old leaves are cut after the fruit has been obtained. A cap of silt is beneficial if put before plants begin to sprout in the spring, but after that period should not bother during the summer, both in root and aerial parts. If too many plants produce litters of flowers, if it is to large fruit is reduced to about four of the strongest. Generally, the flowering of the fruit below give greater earliest and better. The fruit should not be removed until quite mature, and then, if possible, keep well dry, heated by the sun. All to preserve, and it's great to get it without petiole or sepals. A straw mulching compost is placed between the rows in spring, and serves to keep the soil moisture and keep fruit clean, as well as improve nutrition to plants. If not needed, cut shoots early to promote fruit maturation. The plants are wet during dry weather, after the fruit is made​​, and occasionally until it begins to color. As soon as the fruit is ready, the shoots are removed again, and the land is worked refining it.

Cultivation the strawberries

Strawberry varieties vary greatly in size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of ripening, disease susceptibility, plant establishment. Some vary in foliage, in the relative development of their sexual organs. In many cases, hermaphroditic flowers appear in structure but operated so as male or female. In commercial production, plants are propagated by industry, and both are generally distributed in small pots or bare root. Cultivation follows one or two models, annual plasticulture or a perennial system of rows or mounds. A small amount of strawberries produced in greenhouses during the low season. Most modern commercial production uses the plasticulture system. In this method, rooted beds are formed each year and covered with black plastic, which prevents weed growth and erosion, under which runs the irrigation tubing. Plants, usually obtained from greenhouses, planted in holes made at the time. The branches of the plants are started to appear, to let more energy to plants to fruit development. At the end of the harvest season, the plastic is removed and the plants are placed in the ground. Because plants more than a year or two begin to decline in productivity and fruit quality, this system of replacing plants each year allows for improved yields and planting density. However, due to require a larger growing season to allow plants to establish each year, and increased costs in terms of training and purchase coverage and plants each year, is not always practical for all areas. The other method is to keep them more plants from year to year. The outbreaks would be sufficient to established plants rooted in the soil adjacent to the plants, which should be maintained, light and thin, or small pots for put in root. While not occur a few leaves on each shoot secondary cut. And to be well rooted transplanted. Best is a silty soil, very wet. The soil depth of 5-10 dm, with good compost, with a considerable part well near the roots, 25-30 cm of the surface. The plants are separated from each other 5-6 dm.

Strawberry - natural strawberry flavor

In many food products with strawberry flavor, such as strawberry yogurt or strawberry fruit, for cost reasons, the taste and flavor intensification is reinforced by admixed flavors. Flavoring preparations with strawberry flavor can be produced by different methods. "Natural flavor" that smells like strawberries and tastes, must not under the law be recovered from strawberries. As "natural flavors" are not allowed by regulation flavor all are those which "consist exclusively the aromatic constituents of the aroma of natural flavoring substances or flavoring preparations" in which - so from any biological organism. Strawberries or strawberry fruit preparations (strawberry fruit mixture with low share) are often added only in small quantities or completely replaced by carriers with flavors. The list of ingredients can be found. Strawberry flavor can also be obtained as the extract from strawberry fruits. It consists of more than 300 components, among which there are over 90 carboxylic acid ester, 30 carboxylic acids, acetals about 20, about 40 alcohols and ketones, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, and even some sulfur compounds. The main components are 4-hydroxy-2 ,5-dimethyl-3 (2H)-furanone, Decano-4-lactone, (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol, (E)-hex-2-en-1 al-, hex-2-en-1-yl acetate, linalool, methyl, ethyl butyrate, and hexanoic acid ethyl ester. [6] is an example of a man-made substance with a strong strawberry flavor of "Erdbeeraldehyd" (ethyl methylphenylglycidat, 2,3-epoxy-3-methyl-3-phenylpropionic acid ethyl ester), which is erroneously referred to as aldehyde.

The strawberries in use...

Strawberries are picked, and enjoyable, if at least two thirds of the surface of the fruit are red. Its full flavor develops only when they are picked ripe. A maturing, it is not in strawberries. Ideally, they are eaten immediately after picking. Strawberries are limited to transport, as they are very tender and susceptible to mold. In the fridge they can be stored for about one to two days for two to 6 degrees Celsius. At temperatures between 0 degrees and two are used for up to five days. They are processed they are washed before stems and leaves are removed because of the contact with water will cause them to lose flavor. They are sprinkled with sugar, which may not happen until just before serving, as they thereby lose much juice and soft. A large role in the production of strawberry jam. Among the classic combinations include desserts, where rhubarb and strawberries are processed together.

Strawberry - requirements

To develop healthily, strawberries need full sun and sheltered location. As the flowers develop after the end of the cold period, they are endangered by late frost. Optimal conditions for strawberries has a profound and well-drained soil. He should be humus and nutrients. Particularly beneficial is a slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. The root system of the strawberry is very sensitive and can be affected by various soil-borne fungi. On wet or prone to waterlogging soil should not be cultivated strawberries, because the roots are then commonly affected by the pink rot (Phytophthora fragariae). Almost all popular varieties are also susceptible to very susceptible to Verticillium wilt, caused by the fungus on strawberries Verticillium dahliae. Plots where potatoes have ever been, are occupied almost certainly with Verticillium microsclerotia and therefore unsuitable. On parcels on which have already been frequently strawberries, you have an infestation of crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) or black root rot, likely caused by several soil fungi. Some kleinwüchsigere strawberry varieties are also suitable for sunny balconies.

Just about strawberry - part 2

Commercial cultivation began in Germany in 1840 in Staufenberg near Baden-Baden. Approximately 1,000 species are available to growers, but only a few meet the demands of trade, the value of large and handsome fruit sets that are transportable and little susceptible to bunch rot. The commercial cultivation of strawberries, outdoor done in two ways: growing with mulch film (with or without dam) and growing by straw cover. The cover of the base is used to prevent contamination of the fruits. The different forms of culture in relation to the effect gradually increasing soil warming staggered harvest times, which is, from an economic point of view. In recent decades, increasingly spread the cultivation of strawberry in substrate on racks under glass or foil. This allows up to three crops a year and reduce the major cost labor. Also can not be soiled, the strawberries and the roof due to the pressure is less fungus. The main crop of strawberries in Central Europe will be held in the months of May and June. The popular with home gardeners called months strawberry blossoms and bears fruit from May to October and is therefore called "everbearing" strawberry. Fruits that have traveled long transport routes, are almost all year round in stores. In autumn and winter fresh strawberries come from Israel, Egypt and overseas to us, from February from Spain and Morocco, in March from Italy and France.

Just about strawberry

The garden strawberry was created in the 18th Century Europe, from the intersection of the two American species strawberry Fragaria chiloensis (Chile-strawberry) and Fragaria virginiana (scarlet strawberry). She's just like the original parents octoploid (8n = 56). The set of chromosomes has made the composition AAA'A'BBB'B ', the A-chromosomes are similar to the chromosome number of wild strawberry and recognize the B-Chromosensätze relationship with the Fragaria iinumae. When and where the species originated Oktoploidie the output is unknown. From the original form of the garden strawberry many varieties have been bred. Fragaria × vescana about is a hybrid of garden strawberry with wild strawberry with tenfold chromosomes.

Appliance the strawberry

Crop: cultivated in all countries of the temperate and subtropical regions in the cooler because of the delicious fruit. According to the FAO the largest producer in the world is the United States where, in the past five years, collecting an average of about 1100 thousand. tons. Further producers are Spain, Russia and Turkey. Polish the production of over 180 thousand. tonnes per year is in seventh place in the world. Strawberry Kashubian or "Kaszëbskô Malena" is entered in the European system of geographical indications and designations. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1155/2009 of 27 November 2009, the product name was registered as a Protected Geographical Indication. Strawberries in production are usually propagated by vegetative runners.

Strawberry - The stem, leaves, flowers, fruits

Short of a small increase of the length, but with a growth in the thickness, forming runners called "whiskers", by which spreads vegetatively and reproduce. Bisexual, consisting of 5 white petals crown or a different number of times and sepals arranged in two okółkach and glass. The outer whorl is smaller parcels, the inner are longer and wider. After przekwitnieniu adhere to the fruit. At the bottom of the raised flower is approximately 20 bars and rods 20-30. At the time of flowering inflorescence przygięty arched to the ground. After pollination flower bed flower grows, creating edible berry fruit that is apparent collective. On its surface are formed many nuts, fruits that are relevant. Peanut color depending on the variety, from cream with reddish to purple. Some cultivars may result in a few times a year.

Strawberry - step by step

Strawberry - a hybrid of two species of the plant family Rosaceae strawberries has many common names: strawberry pineapple, strawberry fruited, but most often simply called the strawberry. Hybrid has been produced in Europe at the crossroads coming from eastern North America with Chilean strawberries Virginian, which was made in 1712. Grown because of the edible fruits, in terms of Central exceptionally and temporarily becomes wild (ephemerophyte).