The biggest problem of fungal attacks to Frutillar, are mildew and leaf spot. Like all mildews, attacks the leaves and the fruit expands, covering them with white mycelium. The sp. is the same fungus that causes mildew in hops (Sphaerotheca humuli), and its development is greatly facilitated when exposed to stress: cold drought, or low night temperatures. The foliage sprayed with potassium sulfite (K2S) (in aqueous solution of 1:40 by volume) help, but will no longer be sprinkled when developing fruit.
The leaf spot fungus cause Sphaerella fragariae. Its first symptom is the stains appear small, circular, white, on leaves, with wide margins, defined, dark red. In these stains white mycelium develops and continues its fruiting later (the perfect shape of mushroom), shown to the naked eye as tiny black spots on white necrotic spots on the sheet. The potassium sulfite also be used as anti-mildew, or, perhaps better, Bordeaux mixture. Some recommend heavy pruning of leaves after fruitful, and turn the beds to kill the fungus on leaves.
Meloloniha vulgaris larvae, and Cetonia aurata) frequently found eating the roots of the strawberry, and do considerable damage, and humuli Hepialus larvae, do the same. The imagos of Cetonia Aurala damaged flowers often devour their centers, and is often worse in the sheds particularly forced. The carnivorous Pterostichus nigra and Harpalus rufimanus, attack at night, when the fruit is ripe, returning to the ground on the day. Can be captured by placing containers with some appeal, as meat and water at intervals in the litters. Millipedes also appear on the ripe fruit, but usually when the soil is rich in organic matter and low in lime. Slugs and snails also attack the fruit, as well as birds. Pellets can be used to reduce their number, with child-safe versions available and beneficial fauna. Organic solutions couple slugs attacks include beer.
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